Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's time to Write for Rights!

Amnesty International's Global Write-a-thon is December 3-11, 2011. This is a great way to celebrate International Human Rights Day on December 10. This year there are 15 cases that cover Student and Youth Activism, Freedom of Expression, Women's Rights, LGBT Rights, Indefinite Detention, Justice, and Right to Housing. The specific cases are:

Jabbar Savalan
AZERBAIJAN - Youth activist detained after using Facebook

Majid Tavakkoli & Behareh Hedayat
IRAN - Youth leaders imprisoned for speaking out

Liu Xiaobo
CHINA - Nobel Peace Prize laureate imprisoned

Jalila al-Salman & Mahdi Abu Dheeb
BAHRAIN - Teachers detained for supporting pro-reform efforts

Filep Karma
INDONESIA - Jailed for raising a flag

Inés Fernández Ortega & Valentina Rosendo Cantú
MEXICO - Indigenous women raped by soldiers

Jean-Claude Roger Mbede
CAMEROON - Imprisoned on charges of "homosexuality"

Women of Zimbabwe Arise
ZIMBABWE - Human rights activists at risk 

Shin Sook-ja & others at Yodok Political Prison Camp
NORTH KOREA - Families imprisoned for life

Shaker Aamer
USA (Guantánamo) - Indefinite detention

Reggie Clemons
USA - Facing execution in Missouri

Ragihar Manoharan
SRI LANKA - Student killed by security forces

Christi Cheramie
USA - Juvenile life imprisonment without parole

Fatima Hussein Badi
YEMEN - Death penalty following an unfair trial 

Residents of Port Harcourt Settlements
NIGERIA - Forced evictions of communities

For more information on any of the Write-a-thon, cases, resources, success stories:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Art Education- Portfolio blog

Check out the blog for my Portfolio class at  for recent work in ink, as well as inspirations and thoughts about my current projects.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tonight we mourn, tomorrow we organize. Two vigils for Troy Davis.

Monday, September 19

Monday, September 19

Wednesday, September 21

Wednesday, September 21

Wednesday, September 21

The Not In My Name Pledge can be found on the link below. Please sign the pledge, and pass it on to your friends.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Cards

My new business cards just arrived. The image on the card has been seen in an earlier post called "The Intersection of Arts and Activism". 
The text in the drawing represent eight quotes from Aung San Suu Kyi; 
The people of Burma are like prisoners in their own country, deprived of all freedom under military rule;  Our struggle for democracy is a struggle for our everyday life;  You can never separate the political system of a country from the way you conduct your daily life;  The democracy process provides for political and social change without violence;  Human beings need freedom and security that they may be able to realize their full potential;  Peace as a goal is an ideal which will not be contested by any government or nation, not even the most belligerent;  The value systems of those with access to power and of those far removed from such access cannot be the same. The viewpoint of the privileged is unlike that of the underprivileged;  As my father's daughter, I felt I had a duty to get involved.
This drawing of Aung San Suu Kyi is one of the pieces I have created that incorporates both my art and my work with Amnesty International (AI). Aung San Suu Kyi has been released, but there are still over 2,100 political prisoners in Burma. Some of AI's biggest concerns for the people of Burma are their right to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, freedom from torture and ill-treatment, and to fair trial.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ai Weiwei released

Wednesday, June 22 Ai Weiwei was released after three months in detention.

Friday, June 10, 2011


CAFA (China Central Academy of Fine Arts)


Painting studio at CAFA

Painting studio at CAFA
CAFA studios
Animation set for Miss Puff

Animation studio

Great Wall

Great Wall

Great Wall

Tiananmen Square


Peter Lewis' studio

Beijing Opera

Artist's studio

MOCA Beijing

Symposium with artists from Beijing MOCA

Qin Feng's studio

Qin Feng's studio

Qin Feng's studio


Longmen Grotto

Longmen Grotto

Longmen Grotto

Longmen Grotto

Longmen Grotto

Longmen Grotto

Longmen Grotto

Longmen Grotto

Longmen Grotto

Making bread in Louyang

Market in Louyang

Shaolin Temple

Kung Fu school at Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Temple